Real Home in Real Spain or Resort Property?

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Good morning fellow sunshine seekers.
So today we can talk a little bit about the differences between buying and living in the Real Spain such as our beautiful Ricote Valley, as opposed to beach or golf based holiday resort.
There are many differences and let’s start with the seasonal impact. For example, in a beach or golf based holiday resort its normal to experience a massive increase in population for the high season weeks during July and August, meaning you probably can’t park, get into your favourite bar or restaurant, are surrounded by millions of strangers “passing through” (sometimes impacts on personal safety and property security). Then for the rest of the year many of the bars and restaurants may close as they rely on the high volume visitor’s trade, making the area a ghost town for the other 10 months.
Alternatively, as Spain is such a huge and culturally diverse country, there are many different regions, cities, towns and thousands of kilometres of spectacular countryside in which you can make your home, make friends with your neighbours and people in the town, integrate and learn a little Spanish, get invited to weddings and social get togethers including the all year round fiesta’s – most of which are free, paid by the region or town for the pleasure of the people as it is here in the spectacular Ricote Valley. Please be invited to browse the wide range of properties in our website, also there is much information in our web about the Ricote Valley for you to research as your leisure.
You will be on first name terms with people working in your bank, your preferred shops, bars and restaurants and usually, in a short time, settle into a new life style routine which is more outdoors enjoying our fabulous Ricote Valley climate, all year round sunshine, meaning you can sit outside to take a coffee, your breakfast, a lovely “menu del dia” or just a glass of wine and because you are away from the tourist area, at ridiculously low prices. And as our area is famous for growing every imaginable fruit, salad, vegetable, herbs, olives, almonds and vineyards, most of the food is grown here, cut this morning and served at mid-day – making it sweet and delicious and a fraction of the cost of somewhere else.
Here in the unique Ricote Valley we live an all year round lifestyle, we do have seasonal tourism but low impact so our towns are “open” all year round to service us the local community. The retail and hostelry staff are long term employed so you get to know people very quickly and you will be amazed how quickly you learn a few words of Spanish just by interacting in a friendly and stress-less environment.
And finally cost. It’s a known fact that anywhere in the world attracting tourism prices everything accordingly. And it’s also a known fact that traditional Spanish people don’t like to waste money – so – when you are away from the heaving masses of holiday makers you will notice a significant reduction in all of your living costs ranging from the price of your home, your weekly shopping and even the fuel for your car. In addition, because the Ricote Valley has the river, lake, streams, springs and lagoons it’s green in every direction, meaning that everyone is cultivating either for their living, for their own table or just for pleasure. Consequently, most of what we eat has been grown here, cut this morning and on the market stand to buy or served on your plate to eat the same day, less transport means lower costs.
There are still exceptional property bargains here in the Ricote Valley as even though we have sold hundreds of houses over our nearly 20 years, to Spanish nationals and international clients, the ratio between native Spanish and foreigners is still right, keeping the culture, the traditions and the real Spanish way of life, just as we prefer and want to keep it that way.
See you here at our lovely Ricote Valley!